Digital Transformation

In this article, you will see, why an Agile Transformation is needed as a first stept, to make the Digital Transformation more easy, which enhances the success of a company.

Digital transformation definition – What is digital transformation?

In general terms, digital transformation describes a social and economic change process triggered by digital technologies. For companies, digital transformation means consistently integrating new technologies into their business model and taking a holistic approach to digital change as an organisation. To put it somewhat casually, digital transformation in a company means consistently ‘digitally rethinking’ the entire organisation.

Digital transformation as a response to challenges

Digital transformation in a company is not an entity in itself, but a response to real challenges:

According to a McKinsey study, only 8% of managers surveyed believe that their business model will survive the digital transformation unscathed. 92% believe that their business model will change fundamentally as a result of digital transformation. And even if digital transformation writes its own story in every company, it is always important to find answers to these new challenges. 

Digital transformation vs digitalisation – caterpillar or butterfly?

Digitalisation and digital transformation in a company are not the same thing, but are nevertheless used synonymously:

You can also illustrate the differences between digitalisation and digital transformation using the metaphor of a caterpillar and a butterfly. With successful digitalisation, the caterpillar becomes faster. But it is only through digital transformation that the caterpillar becomes a butterfly with completely new abilities, prospects and degrees of freedom.Goals of the digital transformation

The aim of digital transformation in the company is to develop your business model and organisation in such a way that your company is an active shaper of the overall digital transformation in society. Instead of your company running behind competitors, good employees and new customer requirements.

Digital transformation management – the six fields of action for digital transformation in the company

For digital transformation to succeed in your company, you need to tackle a few key areas of action. From the list of these, you can already see that digital transformation in the company can only succeed with the involvement of the management and owners. You can find out which other protagonists and ingredients you need below. Here are the six fields of action for successfully shaping digital transformation:

Every business is a software business now. 

Dean Leffingwell 

(VW? 🙂)

IT / digital units

Mastering digital infrastructure and digital technologies is becoming a strategic core competency. This is why digital transformation in the company also requires the development of strong IT and digital skills and corresponding organisational units. A few thoughts on this: 

It is essential that these IT and digital experts do not muddle along as ‘departments’. Instead, IT, digital and technical experts work together on relevant problems to successfully shape the digital transformation in the company. For this cross-functional networking to succeed, new process models and ideas are typical


The third field of action for successfully shaping the digital transformation in a company is the structure and design of your organisation. This is because functional, specialisation-oriented organisational models with their ‘departments’ are regularly unable to cope with digital transformation in the company. What you need instead are organisational forms that focus on a high degree of autonomy combined with a high degree of networking and that work on the stable operation and transformation of your company with both hands. There are various options available to you for redesigning your organisation.

Essentially, all of these options are about focussing attention on things that are not ‘business as usual’. To do this, your company needs clear guidelines so that operating the current business model, i.e. ‘business as usual’, does not absorb too much energy. Because this status quo exerts a magical attraction. Redesigning your organisation also requires you to think fundamentally about management systems and incentives in your organisation and ensure that these old performance benchmarks do not stand in the way of the desired digital transformation in the company.

IT systems

Digital transformation in a company means using modern technologies, IT and software systems to automate processes and harmonise data. In other words, doing what you understand by digitalisation in a narrower sense. However, this field of action, like all others, requires the utmost attention for several reasons:

Modern technologies, IT and software systems are the basis for speed, an excellent customer experience, high efficiency and a new form of corporate management. They are also often an essential prerequisite for new digital services and digital innovations to flourish on this basis. 


The fifth area of action for successfully shaping the digital transformation in a company is to systematically promote and demand innovation instead of just pushing ahead with marginal improvements. After all, one of the reasons why digital transformations regularly fail is an excessive focus on the digitalisation of today’s core business. After all, digital technologies are changing value creation and entire business models. And as Peter Drucker once aptly put it: ‘There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.’ That’s why digital transformation in the company also means fostering a spirit of innovation. There are various strategies available to you:

In order to successfully shape the digital transformation in the company, it is firstly important that you also allocate appropriate budgets and resources to the development of new projects. Secondly, when implementing these projects, you should focus on rapid prototyping, permanent customer involvement and minimally viable products instead of losing out on large projects. To do this, you use methods such as hackathons, lean start-ups and design thinking. And thirdly, you maintain a backlog of promising projects. This is because there are almost always more ideas than resources for potential realisation and they don’t get lost in the backlog for the time being. 


The sixth and final field of action for successfully shaping the digital transformation is to promote a new culture and a new mindset. After all, digital transformation in a company is always a process of change that works best when there is an openness to trying new things and making mistakes along the way. Here are a few points that I believe are essential for the cultural organisation of digital transformation in the company. 

This new approach requires new competences from each individual. Above all, however, this culture for successfully shaping the digital transformation in the company starts with managers. 

Shaping digital transformation in the company – the protagonists and good ingredients 

Who or what do you need to successfully shape digital transformation in your company? Let’s start with the protagonists of digital transformation in the company.

Ideally, these stakeholder groups should work together on the areas of action outlined above. In addition, digital transformation in the company requires the following ingredients:

Appropriate budgets. This should go without saying, and yet I see again and again, that digital projects are chronically underfunded.