Agile Release Planning

What is Agile Release Planning? Agile release planning is a high-level plan that outlines how a product or project will be delivered over time. It bridges the gap between the product vision and the day-to-day…

Backlog and more III

Artificial Intelligence will enter every kind of business, and therefore it is of upmost importance, to learn, to stay up to date. For being an agile expert, I was thinking about Agile AI & AI…

XP, Scrum & AI

Extreme Programming (XP)! It’s a powerful methodology that emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and frequent feedback, which can significantly enhance the development process. Pair programming, in particular, is a standout feature of XP. By having two developers…

AI Transformation

Companies must embrace the AI transformation as it represents the future. AI offers enormous potential for innovation and efficiency gains in all areas. If you don’t want to miss out on the competition, you need…

Sustainable Agile

Today, I had a great coffee talk with one member in an AI Club i which we both were members. It was not only great, to meet a fellow member physically, it was also awesoem…

XP (Extreme Programming). An agile approach

Extreme Programming (XP) is closely related to agile principles and emphasizes several key values and practices. Agility: XP is designed to be adaptive, focusing on frequent iterations and delivering small, functional pieces of software. This…